Uniting legal knowledge on climate transition”


Public authorities increasingly invest in automated decision making to streamline their resources. Though promising in principle, in practice often problematic due to a fundamental failure to understand the interaction between human and machine decision making. More about the research Public authorities increasingly invest in automated decision making to streamline their resources. Though promising in principle, in practice often problematic due to a fundamental failure to understand the interaction between human and machine decision making. Key to understand this interaction is the concept of an error. To a machine, an error is any difference between the output of the algorithm and the correct answer. The process that led to this error is ignored, as well as explainability and interpretability. In legal decision-making, errors cannot be understood outside the process that produced them and errors are not mathematically measurable. This project aims to develop algorithmic tools that model the legal understanding of error in decision-making and to explore the extent to which the legal understanding of an error must adapt to the Machine Learning concept of an error.




Undereksponering af børn og unges rettigheder i digital forvaltning - Med særligt fokus på ydelser til børn og digitalt udenforskab, TFA 2024.10 (Tidsskrift for familie- og arveret) af Martine Stagelund Hvidt.

Udbetaling Danmark som digital forvaltning – om børnetilskud, digital kontrol og algoritmisk diskrimination, NST in the coming issue. (Nordisk socialretligt tidsskrift) af Martine Stagelund Hvidt.

Peer reviewed:

Digital velfærdsforvaltning – med fokus på uddannelsesstøtte og begrebet »fejl« i et retligt og digitalt perspektiv. Nordisk Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning.

Other dissemination:

Post in the online magazine Altinget: Udsatte børn har ret til en bankkonto, så de kan få udbetalt ydelser fra offentlige myndigheder – også uden forældresamtykke.

Podcast in Magtens Tredeling by Karnov Group: episode 172, Børn bliver holdt uden for i den digitale velfærdsstat.

Master's theses (In Danish)

Julie Katrine Pedersen, Automatisering af AI i offentlige forvaltningsafgørelser (specialeafhandling) (pdf)


The Team

Name Title
Christina Lioma Professor Billede af Christina Lioma
Helle Krunke Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Helle Krunke
Isabelle Augenstein Professor Billede af Isabelle Augenstein
Michael Gøtze Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Michael Gøtze
Sara Vera Marjanovic PhD Fellow Billede af Sara Vera Marjanovic
Vibe Garf Ulfbeck Head of Centre, Professor Billede af Vibe Garf Ulfbeck